Keys to Reading Success™
A Virtual Reading Specialist to Help Every Student
Keys to Reading Success™ provides teachers with the
services of an online virtual reading specialist
available to help teachers with screening, diagnosis and
instruction. Even teachers who do not have any
background in teaching reading can now give their
students the expert help previously available only to
those schools who had the benefit of enough reading
specialists to help all students needing extra help. No
other program provides the range and level of assistance
offered by Keys to Reading Success™. Here’s why:
Keys to Reading Success™ is not simply a reading
assessment program. It provides all the services you
would expect from a reading specialist. Yes, it provides
fast, expert, research-based reading screening and
diagnosis. But that is just the beginning. Keys to
Reading Success™ provides instant Individual Reading
Plans that not only tell you what level the student is
reading at, but tell you “why” the student reads at that
level, and clearly lists the “specific” skills the
student needs to work on next. And Keys to Reading
Success™ doesn’t stop there. The program provides
teachers with detailed, classroom-tested lessons,
metacognitive instructional strategies, and aligned
materials and resources so that every teacher,
regardless of grade level or subject area—even those
with absolutely no background in teaching reading—can
provide targeted, effective help so every student
succeeds in reading.
Feedback, monitoring and reporting are critical to
success. That’s way Keys to Reading Success™ makes it a
breeze for teachers and administrators to instantly and
effortlessly create dozens of reports that track
testing, instruction and most importantly, growth. And
these reports can be automatically generated for a
single students, groups of students, classrooms,
schools. Keys Learning knows that there are times you
will need to special reports, so Keys to Reading
Success™ allows you to quickly create an almost
limitless number of custom reports, based on various
demographic data.
Keys to Reading Success™
Making A Difference –For Every Student
sub-groups at your Schools/Districts not meeting reading
standards/AYP ?
Help students performing below standards – even
non-readers – meet and exceed the standards for reading
as measured by your state assessment.
to Reading Success™
helps all teachers teach reading – even teachers with
little or no training in or knowledge of reading
instruction. Special Education teachers, ESL/ELL
teachers, high school teachers, and middle schools
teachers are rarely trained in reading instruction. Keys to Reading Success™ is an easy to use
tool for them. The program effectively places at their
command a full-time, on demand virtual reading
specialist. For teachers with backgrounds in reading, Keys to Reading Success™ provides the
assessment, reporting and instructional tools to do
their job more quickly and efficiently. Teachers will
love the ease with which they can accurately assess,
automatically monitor and instantly report on student
reading levels and skills. This is the critical
information teachers and students need to use
immediately to guide instructional decisions that result
in student success.
Studies of the implementation of Keys to Reading Success™ in K-12 schools have demonstrated that
students typically gain between 1-5 grade levels in
reading, in less than one school year, when teachers use
Keys to Reading Success™.
to Reading Success™
helps classroom teachers diagnose, monitor and instruct
students at all grade levels so students make
accelerated progress in reading. By using Keys to Reading Success™ even teachers with little or no
background in teaching reading can immediately help
students at every level make dramatic improvements in
reading achievement.
This is not a self-directed program for students – it is
a program that equips teachers with the tools and
targeted resources to help every student improve in
reading. Imagine the growth in motivation and
self-esteem that results from real, measurable success
that students and teachers can actually see, monitor and
Here’s what Keys to Reading Success™
Teachers (even those with no background in teaching
reading) quickly administer and create clear and
accurate diagnostic reports on students’ reading
skills and reading level. These reports are used for
intake, placement, instruction, and progress
Teachers teach from where the student is at –
providing targeted instruction based on the
students’ current skill level. (Keys to Reading Success™ automatically performs the
analysis, monitoring and reporting work for the
Teachers can use the lesson plans included in Keys to Reading Success™ -- or teachers with
a background in reading instruction can use their
own lessons.
included lessons are clear, easy to use, and are student
and teacher tested. They include options for teaching to
all learning styles. Also included are resource
materials for teachers, students and parents.
Teachers use Keys to Reading Success™
for ongoing classroom-level formative reading
assessment FOR learning. Teachers use the results to
improve and accelerate student learning. There is no
limit to the number of times teachers can assess a
student’s progress and automatically create updated
individualized reading plans and reports. The
progress reports are available in a teacher,
student, and parent versions.

Keys to Reading
The Right Kind of Assistance for Every Teacher!
to Reading Success™
is ideal for Special Education teachers, ESL/ELL, Middle
School and High Schools teachers whose students are not
meeting reading standards – or are non-readers. These
teachers are not typically trained in remedial reading,
and schools often do not have the resources to provide
enough reading specialists for all the students with
reading difficulties. Keys to Reading Success™
ensures that every student – even the student unable to
read -- receives expert diagnosis, instruction, and
ongoing formative assessment and progress reports
showing gains and improvements.
to Reading Success™
automatically and instantly creates Individualized
Reading Plans (IRPs) for every student. These IRPs
provide teachers with specific guidance on the
strengths and weaknesses of students and suggests
specific lessons. These IRPs can be easily incorporated
into IEPs for Special Education students, saving
precious teacher time.
to Reading Success™
provides resources for teachers to involve students in
their own learning and increase student understanding
and motivation.
Keys to Reading Success™
provides specific, classroom tested lessons, resources
and materials teachers can immediately use to help
improve student test-taking skills, especially on high
stakes state and national assessments.
Research tells us that the best way to teach reading is
to start instruction where the student is at – and
provide fast, accurate and ongoing feedback.
we know that from a practical point of view teachers may
not have the time or special training to accurately
assess their students’ reading level and reading skills.
This is where Keys to Reading Success™
comes in.
Keys to Reading Success™
makes it easy for you to do it right and to accelerate
student reading achievement. Build on student success,
and increase student motivation to read and learn.
Keys to Reading Success™
Watch How Fast Every Student Achieves Success!
By using Keys to Reading Success™ teachers
will quickly and accurately
Identify students’ reading skills and reading level
Identify the skills your students need—individually
and in groups
Instantly create an individualized reading plan (IRP)
Automatically create student learning groups based
on the current skill levels of students
Provide easy to use, multi-sensory lesson plans
targeted to each student’s skill level – or you may
use your own lessons
Provide instant feedback so students can monitor
their own progress, too.
those teachers (Special Education, High School, Middle
School, ESL/ELL, and Upper Elementary grades) who are
not trained in teaching reading, Keys to Reading Success™ provides the easy to use tools and
support to help teachers accelerate reading achievement
for all of their students – no matter what the students’
current reading level.
Bonus Features Included in Keys to Reading Success™
at no additional cost:
Optional test of students learning style and brain
hemispheric preference to create a “Superlink”
profile for accelerated learning.
Resources for teachers: easy to use lesson plans for
K-12 and above; all lesson plans include alternative
teaching strategies for each learning style; links
to articles and printable resources for planning
instruction; parent involvement pages for each
reading skill; reports for teachers, students and
parents to monitor and measure success, and much
Some reading programs actually remove the teacher from
the teaching-learning process. Those programs expect the
teacher to put their students in front of a computer and
let the computer try to teach reading. Some reading
programs use self-paced instructional methods that
expect the student to learning on their own. But
research and the experience of successful teachers
confirms that effective reading instruction keeps the
teacher at the heart of the teaching-learning process.
Keys to Reading Success™ believes that the
best reading instruction is teacher-led and
student-centered. Keys to Reading Success™
provides the tools and resources to free up teachers to
do what they do best – focus on student learning.
See how far you can take your students with Keys to
Reading Success™
Call for a quick on-line demonstration today!
Learning: (630) 717-4221 or email: